Industrial Mixer

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
The mixer itself.

The industrial mixer is a machine that is used to mix a fluid with an item and/or another fluid. It replaces the chemical plant recipes of similar nature, while most of those are kept for legacy reasons.


The industrial mixer is made in the traditional crafting table:

Steel Plate
High-Speed Steel Ingot
Steel Plate
Glass Pane
Vacuum Tube
Glass Pane
Steel Plate
Steel Plate
Industrial Mixer


The GUI of the industrial mixer.

Its GUI has 3 input slots: 2 for the fluids and one for the item. The output side has a slot for a fluid identifier to set the recipe. The input side also has a button for setting the alternate recipes for certain fluids, which are:

Besides these, the mixer has a lot of other recipes, consult NEI for those.