Uranium Fuel

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
MEU, ingot form
MEU, ingot form

Uranium fuel is a category of nuclear fuel made of uranium isotopes, specifically the fissile uranium-233 and uranium-235. They also often contain uranium-238 for stability and the byproduct of its neutron absorption, which produces the valuable plutonium-239. Uranium fuels can range from the stable MEU (medium enriched uranium), to the very powerful, weapons grade HEU-233 and 235 (highly enriched uranium). Its use is widespread among reactors.

Natural Uranium

Natural uranium (sometimes NU or UEU) is, as the name suggests, is simply natural uranium that was mined, without enrichment. Since natural uranium already contains some U-235, it can be used as a fuel, albeit a weak one and one that requires extra moderation.


See: Uranium#Production

Natural uranium requires no additional processing beyond standard ore refinement needs.


Natural Uranium Fuel
Estimated lifespan250,000 ticks
Start radiation0.35 RAD/s
End radiation172.5 RAD/s

It is quite a weak fuel, weaker than even thorium fuel. However, it lasts far longer and can be produced quickly and easily, meaning it may be the first nuclear fuel you use. While weak, it's quite stable and efficient. The recycling products are also quite valuable too, as it produces a good supply of plutonium isotopes, including pure plutonium-239, that can be used in other, more powerful fuels or nuclear weapons.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
ZIRNOX Natural Uranium Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth of material.


Unenriched Uranium Fuel
Fissile materialU-235
Fertile materialU-238
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeBase 10 logarithm
Flux function dangerMedium
Depletion functionRaising slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux0.65°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,865°C
Starting radiation1.4 RAD/s

Similar to the ZIRNOX, it is quite weak, but now stronger than thorium, as it uses a base 10 logarithm function. So, while still fairly weak, it is better for self-sustaining criticality, as the function permits. More notably, it also produces plutonium-239 with low depletion levels. After 40% depletion, it becomes reactor grade plutonium, so it encourages removing the fuel quickly after usage to make use of the Pu-239. Additionally, as a result of the plutonium build-up, it features a "raising slope" depletion function, meaning it gradually becomes stronger as it depletes. So its use may depend on your needs, whether it be power or weapons grade material production.


A plot of NU flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of NU flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
Uranium Billet
NU RBMK Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces short-lived waste by 1%)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
    • 75.0% natural uranium
    • 13.0% Pu-239
    • 5.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 7.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Moderately Depleted
  • Highly Depleted
    • 53.0% natural uranium
    • 19.0% RGPu
    • 11.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 17.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Fully Depleted
    • 42.0% natural uranium
    • 22.0% RGPu
    • 14.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 22.0% short-lived nuclear waste

Medium Enriched Uranium-235

MEU is one of the easiest fuel to produce in after natural uranium, as it can be made directly by centrifugal enrichment of uranium hexafluoride from natural uranium.


It can also be produced from the pure isotopes:

Uranium-235 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium-238 Nugget
Uranium Fuel Billet
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Uranium-238 Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet6
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Uranium Fuel
Estimated lifespan200,000 ticks
Start radiation0.5 RAD/s
End radiation150.0 RAD/s

It is quite stronger than natural uranium, but has a somewhat lower lifespan. Of note, it lacks the ability to produce plutonium-239, replaced with the raw plutonium isotope mixture. It also doesn't have any uranium to recycle at all, but it is one of the cheapest fuels that is able to produce technetium-99, a common fission isotope useful for technetium steel, a highly corrosion resistant alloy.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
ZIRNOX Uranium Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth of material.


MEU Fuel
Fissile materialU-235
Fertile materialU-238
Reaction function
Function typeLogarithmic
Function dangerMedium
Heat per flux5.0 TU
Start radiation0.5 RAD/s
End radiation5.0 RAD/s

MEU fuel in the PWR is a very weak fuel, as are most of its cheap fuels. Its heat output is also below average.


A plot of MEU-235 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
A plot of MEU-235 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
MEU PWR Fuel Rod



Medium Enriched Uranium-235 Fuel
Fissile materialU-235
Fertile materialU-238
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeBase 10 logarithm
Flux function dangerMedium
Depletion functionRaising slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux0.65°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,865°C
Starting radiation2.0 RAD/s

It is marginally stronger than natural uranium, but as expected, it loses some of the advantages in recycling. The plutonium-239 yield is much lower and the threshold before it becomes polluted with plutonium-240 is higher. Conversely, it is able to burn more of itself to yield more reactor grade plutonium and any byproducts in the produced nuclear waste.


A plot of MEU-235 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of MEU-235 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
Uranium Fuel Billet
NU RBMK Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces MEU by 1%)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 52.0% MEU
    • 14.0% RGPu
    • 14.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 20.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Highly Depleted
    • 36.0% MEU
    • 18.0% RGPu
    • 19.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 27.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Fully Depleted
    • 20.0% MEU
    • 22.0% RGPu
    • 24.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 34.0% short-lived nuclear waste

Highly Enriched Uranium-235

HEU-235 is a highly potent fuel consisting of 100% U-235, which is weapons grade. It is very strong, so one must be careful when using it.


Uranium-235 Fuel
Estimated lifespan165,000 ticks
Start radiation1.0 RAD/s
End radiation165.0 RAD/s

Although it has a somewhat low lifespan, at 85 heat per tick, it is a very strong fuel nonetheless. It is highly unlikely that a ZIRNOX can be completely filled with HEU-235. One must take care when using this fuel in a setup. It produces more nuclear waste compared to less enriched fuels, but it can also produce useful neutron capture and fission products in higher quantities.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
ZIRNOX Uranium-235 Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth of material.


HEU-235 Fuel
Fissile materialU-235
Reaction function
Function typeSquare root
Function dangerMedium
Heat per flux7.5 TU
Start radiation1.0 RAD/s
End radiation10.0 RAD/s

HEU-235 is an average strength fuel for the PWR, with a strong square root function and 7.5 heat output.


A plot of HEU-235 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
A plot of HEU-235 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
HEU-235 PWR Fuel Rod



Highly Enriched Uranium-235 Fuel
Fissile materialU-235
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeSquare root
Flux function dangerMedium
Depletion functionGentle slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux1.0°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,865°C
Starting radiation4.0 RAD/s

While HEU-235 is much more powerful than MEU-235, it still uses a stable square root function, which makes it easier to use. Its stronger function is also paired with is much higher heat output, do take care with the cooling of the reactor.

As with all highly enriched fuels, especially in the RBMK, it can almost completely burn through during a fuel cycle to full depletion, resulting in a lot of nuclear waste and their byproducts.


A plot of HEU-235 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of HEU-235 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
HEU-235 RBMK Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces U-235 by 1%)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
    • 70.0% U-235
    • 12.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 18.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 50.0% U-235
    • 20.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 30.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Highly Depleted
    • 30.0% U-235
    • 28.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 42.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Fully Depleted
    • 10.0% U-235
    • 36.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 54.0% short-lived nuclear waste

Highly Enriched Uranium-233

Uranium-233 Fuel
Estimated lifespan150,000 ticks
Start radiation5.0 RAD/s
End radiation150.0 RAD/s

HEU-233 is an alternative to HEU-235, instead consisting of 100% U-233, also weapons grade. It is even stronger than U-235 due to its lower critical mass, meaning care must be taken to prevent meltdown.


HEU-233 is extremely strong, even higher than HEU-235. While it also has a low lifespan, one even slightly lower than HEU-235, its heat production of 100 is very potent, making it either very dangerous to use or a very valuable driver fuel. Similarly to HEU-235. it produces more nuclear waste, but also useful neutron capture and fission products. Of which is uranium-235, which can be reused in a reactor.


Empty ZIRNOX Rod
Uranium-233 Billet
Uranium-233 Billet
ZIRNOX Uranium-233 Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Per rod, divide by 2 to get a billet's worth of material.


HEU-233 Fuel
Fissile materialU-233
Reaction function
Function typeSquare root
Function dangerMedium
Heat per flux7.5 TU
Start radiation5.0 RAD/s
End radiation50.0 RAD/s

HEU-233 is another average PWR fuel with a strong function, somewhat stronger than HEU-235, but with the same heat output of 7.5 TU.


A plot of HEU-233 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
A plot of HEU-233 flux reactivity in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


Uranium-233 Billet
Uranium-233 Billet
HEU-233 PWR Fuel Rod



Highly Enriched Uranium-233 Fuel
Fissile materialU-233
Splits withSlow neutrons
Splits intoFast neutrons
Flux function
Flux function typeLinear
Flux function dangerDangerous
Depletion functionGentle slope
Xenon generation function
Xenon burn function
Heat at 100 flux1.25°C
Diffusion0.02 1/2
Melting point2,865°C
Starting radiation20.0 RAD/s

HEU-233 is similar to HEU-235, but it uses a linear function, which makes it unstable and requires driver/stabilizer fuels. Additionally, while it is considered stronger and outputs even more heat per flux, its function is actually fairly weaker than even MEU-235 at inbound flux levels ~65 and below. Linear functions also make fuels difficult to use, as if its receives too much flux, it can easily go supercritical, requiring a weaker or more stable fuel to keep it stable, and if it receives too little, it produces too little output flux, requiring a driver to consistently provide it input flux.

As with all highly enriched fuels, especially in the RBMK, it can almost completely burn through during a fuel cycle to full depletion, resulting in a lot of nuclear waste and their byproducts.


A plot of MEU-233 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
A plot of MEU-233 flux reactivity in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.


Empty RBMK Fuel Rod
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
Uranium-235 Billet
HEU-233 RBMK Fuel Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.


Requires a SILEX with an infrared laser from the associated FEL.

(Xenon poison reduces U-233 by 1%)

  • Brand New
  • Barely Depleted
    • 70.0% U-233
    • 12.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 18.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Moderately Depleted
    • 50.0% U-233
    • 20.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 30.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Highly Depleted
    • 30.0% U-233
    • 28.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 42.0% short-lived nuclear waste
  • Fully Depleted
    • 10.0% U-233
    • 36.0% long-lived nuclear waste
    • 54.0% short-lived nuclear waste


Combined Plots

Combined plot of all uranium fuel reactivities in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
Combined plot of all uranium fuel reactivities in the RBMK. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 60.
Combined plot of all uranium fuel reactivities in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.
Combined plot of all uranium fuel reactivities in the PWR. The X-axis is inbound flux bound between 0 - 120 and the Y-axis is outbound flux bound between 0 - 240.


  • Realistically, HEU-235 and HEU-233 would likely be opposite than their behavior in NTM. U-233 has a far lower critical mass than U-235, but the former has less mass, meaning the latter would (marginally) produce more energy upon fission.