Guide: Euphemium Creation
Euphemium is a very endgame and exotic element that can be used for a very powerful tool, a bomb, armor or for a catalyst for the most expensive and dangerous reactor. Because of this, it is quite difficult to obtain in large quantities, either requiring a Fusion Reactor and a lot of very rare space metal, or incredibly expensive late game processes that require advanced and expensive machines that also require huge amounts of power to perform.
The method you should use to get your first Euphemium. You can make it by nuking schrabidium clusters with a balefire explosion. If the balefire (green fire) lands on a schrabidium cluster, it will transmutate into an euphemium-etched schrabidium cluster. The method is the same as the one used for schrabidium production via uranium ore, but utilizing higher tier weapons (Balefire/Antimatter bombs instead of atomic bombs). An actual full-scale Balefire Bomb is not recommended, as it is far too expensive of a process to be worth it.
The Euphemium-Etched Schrabidium Cluster has to be centrifuged. This method will grant you 7 euphemium nuggets, 4 schrabidium powder, 2 starmetal ingots, and 2 solinium nuggets. Despite the loss of a Dud, schrabidium and starmetal, you get most of it back which you can reuse to make more clusters and repeat the process.
You can also use the Balefire Egg Launcher (BEL) or a Custom Nuke with some antimatter inside instead of a Dud to do this process in any location you desire.
Schrabidium Clusters are completely immune to Balefire weapons, so no need to worry about them getting destroyed. However, Euphemium-Etched Schrabidium Clusters are not, so it is recommended to mine them before detonating another Balefire bomb, which you should do anyway.
This way is good for making a lot of Euphemium very fast, but it will make a big crater in your world and burn everything that can catch fire if you're not careful.
Radii for basic BF devices:
- Dud
- ~40 blocks
- Balefire AMAT Shell
- ~40 blocks
- Custom Nuke (2 Explosive Charges, 2 Pu239 ingots, 1 antimatter cell)
- ~20 blocks
Step 1: Place your Schrabidium Clusters around the device
Step 2: Once everything is ready to go, DETONATE!
Step 3: Clean-up and mine your Euphemium-Etched Clusters
Step 4: Centrifuge your clusters and collect your exotic matter and replace the clusters as necessary
Pros and Cons:
+ Creates a lot of Euphemium (7 nuggets per cluster).
+ Creates Euphemium really fast.
+ Fairly cheap to an extent (your clusters can be placed around a random Dud).
+ You get back most of your Schrabidium and Starmetal after the Euphemium Clusters are centrifuged.
+ Easy to learn if you used its Schrabidium equivalent.
+ Schrabidium clusters are immune to Balefire detonations
! BEL can be dangerous to use if you're not used to it.
! Custom Nukes are somewhat expensive to make.
- Leaves behind a large Balefire crater if you have too few Schrabidium Clusters.
- Hard and expensive to make BF-type bombs when you run out of Duds.
- Balefire can spread and burn down the nearby environment if you're not careful.
- Balefire could destroy mined up clusters if not handled carefully.
Watz Reactor pellets
Another way to make Euphemium is to centrifuge depleted schrabidium Watz pellets

Pros and Cons:
+ watz reactors can easily be scaled up, giving more depleted pellets
+fairly easy to automate
+Doesn't destroy your world
-only gives a hanful of nuggets per item
SILEXing spent RBMK fuel

The third way to get Euphemium is by processing Long-lived Schrabidium-326 waste in a SILEX.
Highly Enriched Schrabidium RBMK Fuel is recommended, since it gives up to 22% chance of giving Long-lived Schrabidium-326 waste, compared to MES giving 17% at max, and LES 9% at max.
Pros and Cons:
+produces byproducts like Ghiorsium-336
-only 18% chance to get a SINGLE nugget from an operation
- RBMK is quite dangerous to use when you don't know what you're doing
- Depleted RBMK rods are very radioactive
Centrifuging PWR Fuel
The fourth way to get euphemium is by centrifuging depleted HES-236 and HES-237 PWR Fuel Rods.

Pros and Cons:
+ Easy to mass produce (by adding more PWR Fuel Rods (they each give 4 more slots))
+ PWR is safer to run than RBMK
+ Doesn't destroy your world
! PWR requires a lot of Zirconium to make
- One fuel rod only gives 1 nugget
Dark Matter from a Particle Accelerator

The fifth and final way to produce Euphemium is to use a Dark Matter particle produced from a Hadron-type Particle Accelerator and an Exposure Chamber. This method is extremely simple, however it requires massive amounts of work prior.
Simply put Dark Matter into the top left slot of Exposure Chamber, and Plutonium Ingots in the marked slot. It has a 100% transformation rate, which means you don't lose anything on the way.
Pros and Cons:
+ Extremely simple.
+ Makes a lot of Euphemium from simple Plutonium.
- Requires a very powerful Particle Accelerator.
- Requires gargantuan amounts of resources to construct the Hadron. Requires ludicrous amounts of power to run the Hadron even for 1 operation.