Gas Centrifuge
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The Gas Centrifuge is used to centrifuge various fluids like uranium/plutonium hexafluoride, or poisonous mud.
Needs power to operate.
This machine only processes liquids/fluids. For the centrifuge that processes solids, see Centrifuge.
Set your desired fluid with a Fluid ID and pump it in with universal fluid ducts, universal fluid tanks, or cells.
Functions very similar to the normal centrifuge, but instead of each operation resulting in 4 outputs, results in a chance to produce an item of 1 of the 4 types for each recipe.
When checking the recipes using NEI, the items with the higher number will have a higher chance of being produced. For example, for uranium hexafluoride, 8 U238, 1 U235, and 1 fluorite per 10 operations is optimal, but not guaranteed. More likely is a large majority being U238 with a tiny amount of U235 and even less fluorite.
UF6 Production
The processing of this material requires 2-4 centrifuges (the latter two must be equipped with the Overclocking upgrade). In addition, they'll need to be placed next to each other, as the uranium hexafluoride fluid ID doesn't apply to the "between stages". Finally, they should all be placed ahead of time, as the rules for which gas centrifuge becomes the "second step" is a bit arbitrary and when they switch recipes they dump their tanks. It seems to be that the side facing away from the player becomes the "output" and that you should place them in order.