
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Made With/ByAlloying
Difficulty of ProductionMedium
Exists in RealityYes
Atomic NumberN/A

Ferrouranium is a carbon steel-uranium (238) alloy (hence the name) known for its high hardness and durability. It is also radiation resistant due to its uranium content.


It is produced in a crucible with one nugget of uranium-238 and 2 nuggets of steel giving you 3 nuggets of ferrouranium:

2 Nuggets
1 Nugget
3 Nuggets



  • It is a real alloy that has been used as far back as 1897 and has various uses in weapons, alloying, and tools, due to its favorable strength.
    • Despite being used a lot in the time before, during, and some time after the World Wars, it proved economically nonviable in the long run. Though, possibly due to the use of uranium in nuclear weapons.
  • Variants that also include nickel are highly resistant to corrosion and harsh chemicals.

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