Fölkvangr Field

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
File:Folkvangr field.png
Fölkvangr field created by the F.L.E.I.J.A. mere moments after detonation

A Fölkvangr (sometimes Fólkvangr) field is a type of nuclear reaction (usually) caused by Schrabidium and Schrabidic compounds, such as normal schrabidium, antischrabidium, and schrabidium trisulfide. While it does not have the same range as a standard thermonuclear or even nuclear detonation, it has the advantage of ignoring blast resistance. It has the appearance of a (typically) bright blue, quickly expanding sphere, known as a Sessrúmnir sphere. It disappears almost as soon as it is formed.

Notable dedicated Schrabidic devices that produce a Fölkvangr field are the F.L.E.I.J.A. and The Prototype.


Schrabidium nuclei are very volatile and react when under pressure, radiation, or magnetic field. Schrabidium is able to release more energy than its own mass. Due to these properties, it is able to collapse and in a sense, create a chain reaction of nearby particles to be consumed and compressed. This makes Fölkvangr fields useful in the creation of Singularities.


File:Fleija aftermath.png
The aftermath of the F.L.E.I.J.A. being detonated 11 blocks above the surface. Note the perfect spherical shape.

Since Fölkvangr fields do not take blast resistance into account, their craters will always be perfectly spherical. There also is no radiation left behind whatsoever as radiation is consumed by the reaction. It effectively just deletes a spherical area of the world.

Once a Fölkvangr reaction has ceased and it has disappeared, it effectively just created a large vacuum. This causes air and loose objects to be rapidly drawn in to fill the void. This effect is not observed, but it is in the "lore".


  • It appears that Schrabidic compounds usually require very specific circumstances to allow this reaction to happen, at least on an appreciable scale.
  • There is question as to where all the energy of the mass it consumes goes, as per thermodynamics.
    • The most likely theory is that all the energy is dumped into [HEAVEN].
  • The most interesting idea is the connection between the Fölkvangr field and the concept of "vacuum decay". Both are very similar in behavior and "appearance". The difference is that a Fölkvangr field does not expand at the speed of light and does not expand infinitely, rather expanding for as long as the power from its initial Schrabidic fuel allows.
    • The fact that Schrabidium can be produced using a Higgs Boson particle gives further credence to this.
  • The visual effect of the typically blue, expanding sphere is technically known as a Sessrúmnir sphere, but since the underlying effect is the Fölkvangr field, the latter is the terminology used when referring to the effect.
    • Some Sessrúmnir spheres are "rainbow" colored.
    • The Blue Rinse also creates a Sessrúmnir sphere, but it is grey and doesn't cause direct physical damage. It is not caused by a Fölkvangr field in this case, but it is related.


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