Energy Powder

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
Energy Powder
Made With/ByCrafting
Difficulty of ProductionMedium - Hard
Exists in RealityNo
Atomic NumberN/A

Energy powder is a strong and useful yellow powder. As expected from its name, it can produce lots of power and can be volatile. It is produced in a similar fashion to nitanium, desh, or spark blend.


It is produced by mixing 3 powders together on the crafting table.

Glowstone Dust
Diamond Powder
Magnetized Tungsten Powder
This recipe is shapeless; the inputs may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.

It can also be acquired from the asteroid mining ship.


  • Superheated Resonating Singularity
  • Artificial Xen Crystals
  • Energy Crystals, which is its solid form essentially
  • Balefire Shells for the BEL
  • Silver Bullet for the Digamma "Folly"
  • Small IF-type black hole grenade
  • Energy cells for the EMP gun
  • Electromagnetic Cartridges for the Defabricator
  • Off-Brand Spark batteries for the Balefire Bomb.
  • Nightmare Revolver (Original)
  • Laser Buckshot for the Nightmare Revolver (Dark)
  • Spark blend
  • Mk. 1 & 2 Overdrive Upgrades
  • Combine Ball for the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle's secondary fire
  • Negative Energy Pair Annihilation Grenade
  • The Entanglement Kit