Dyson Swarm (NTM: Space)

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

Dyson swarms are an endgame way of producing immense power and terraforming entire atmospheres in NTM: Space, utilizing a large swarm of individual near-solar satellites. Instead of using solar panels, each swarm member captures and collimates a significant portion of a stars energy, sending it to linked receivers. These swarm members can be launched from anywhere within the solar system.

Dyson Swarm Member

Dyson Swarm Member

Dyson swarms consist of thousands of swarm members encircling the parent star of a system, and energy production from the swarm scales based on the number of members in a swarm. These satellites do not last indefinitely however, they attenuate (decay) over time, with the chance of decay increasing as the number of swarm members increase. With 1,024 members the decay rate is 1 satellite every 5 seconds (100 ticks), which exactly balances the rate a single non-upgraded assembler can produce the swarm members.

Swarm Count:Energy Equivalence
Swarm member count Power produced
1 12.16kHE/s
2 12.66kHE/s
4 13.72kHE/s
8 16.12kHE/s
16 22.22kHE/s
32 41.74kHE/s
64 141.88kHE/s
128 1.42MHE/s
256 83.87MHE/s
512 51.26GHE/s
1024 150.45THE/s
2048 85.64PHE/s
4096 773.08PHE/s

Dyson swarm members are assembled in an assembly machine with the following recipe:

Dyson Swarm Member

Dyson Spinlauncher

Dyson Spinlauncher

Dyson swarm members must be launched into solar orbit via the use of a huge centrifugal launch platform, known as the Spinlauncher. The spinlauncher launches 4 swarm members at a time, consuming a large amount of electricity to do so. The launcher must have a satellite ID chip installed in order to begin launching swarm members. Swarm members are inserted into the launcher via the port at the front.

The spinlauncher is assembled with the following recipe:

Dyson Spinlauncher

Dyson Receiver

Dyson Receiver

This receiver is the main machine required for collecting energy from the swarm. It collimates the immense energy collected from the swarm into a immensely powerful beam. Setting up requires only a satellite ID chip that is matched to an existing swarm.

This machine is assembled with the following recipe:

Dyson Receiver

Dyson Anatmogenesis Terraformer

Dyson Anatmogenesis Terraformer

an- = without

atmo- = vapour, air (from atmosphere)

genesis = creation

This machine provides the most utility out of all the currently available Dyson converters, accepting a beam from a receiver and providing a direct energy to mass conversion, producing planetary scale atmospheric gases, terraforming any planet or moon as a player sees fit.

By default it will release oxygen into an atmosphere, making it breathable once it crosses the 0.1atm threshold for breathing. A fluid identifier can be used to switch the gas emitted, and a screwdriver can switch it between emitting or extracting gases from the atmosphere.

If powered with 150THE/s power from a swarm (equivalent to a swarm size of 1,024), it will take 8 hours to reach 0.1atm of pressure.

This machine is assembled with the following recipe:

Dyson Anatmogenesis Terraformer