Digamma Radiation

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Digamma radiation (symbol: ; shortened: DRX, counted in mDRX and mDRX/s) is a (fictional) incremental effect that only targets entities, not inanimate objects, unlike regular radiation. It is not a spectrum of waves or charged particles per se, so even the densest of materials will not shield you from it. It is only carried by items and does not "travel" far, so it does not enter the environment.
Only certain items give you DRX:
- The Digamma Particle and Digamma Fuel: 333.3 mDRX/s
- Balefire Bomb: 10 mDRX/s
- Digamma Fuel Pellet: 41.6m DRX/s
- Holotape: 1,000 mDRX/s
- Damaged Holotape: 1,000,000 mDRX/s
Only FAU Armor can completely shield you from DRX.
While being exposed to DRX, it looks like you're constantly being attacked or taking damage. This is due to it removing your max HP. This stops as soon as your exposure stops. At high levels of exposure, you emit soul sand particles.
When your Digamma influence is at a high percentage, you may start hallucinating strange figures in hazmat suits in the distance that disappear when looking at them or getting too close.
DRX can be noticed if your max HP is lower than expected or normal. For more precise counts, a Digamma Diagnostic can be crafted, which functions similarly to a Geiger Counter.

It has been theorized that DRX is some kind of psionic effect that alters brain waves, resulting in anxiety and mental illnesses. This could be why it cannot be easily blocked out and why it only affects living entities.
DRX, as a mind affecting "thing", is difficult to remove. Varying strength levels of Xanax medication can remove Digamma to varying levels of effectiveness.
NAXA Anti-Digamma Medication

Removes 500 mDRX.

Flunitrazepam Tablet

Removes all DRX above 2,000 mDRX.

Enteramine Pills

Removes all DRX, grants stability (status effect giving immunity to DRX) for 10 minutes.

- A red, practically stationary celestial object, known as the "Digamma star" can be seen on the sky both at day and night. Its nature and reason for being there are unkown.
- "The Terror of Seeing" achievement triggered by Digamma exposure, the required level is also the same for the level where the hallucinations begin to occur.