Desert Atom

Desert Atoms are large structures present in dry desert-like biomes that consists of a barbed wire fence enclosing a nuclear reactor compound which contains a cooling tower, a waste barrel storage site, a damaged concrete building, and a nuclear reactor containment vessel. The entire site is littered with raw nuclear waste barrels and thus is immensely radioactive which all but totally prohibits entry into it without strong radiation protection.
The primary objects of interest in the structure are the 3 valuable nuclear material loot chests as well as the various machines contained in the concrete building.
Points of Interest
Brick Building
- Two centrifuges located on the second floor.
- One block of uranium in the large cube in the middle of the second floor.
- A chest of valuable nuclear loot on the second floor
- Two chests of standard loot on the first floor.
- Two energy storage blocks on the roof.
Reactor Containment Vessel
- A chest of valuable nuclear loot in the bottom of the pool below the reactor.
Cooling Tower
- A Dud at the bottom of the pool in the tower.
Waste Barrel Pile
- A chest of valuable nuclear loot next to a tall pile of waste barrels.
The various machines on the second level of the concrete building.