Combined Cycle Gas Turbine

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
The CCGT itself.

The Combined Cycle Gas Turbine, or the CCGT for short, is a generator that can burn gaseous fuels.


The CCGT made in the assembly machine:

Combined Cycle Gas Turbine



The CCGT is the only generator that can burn gaseous fuels at 100% efficiency. It has an internal buffer of 100000 mB for the fuel, as well as a 16000 mB internal buffer for engine lubricant, which is required for it to work properly.

It has an on/off button, and a slider to control the intake of fuel, from 0 to 100%. It also has a screen that shows how much energy the CCGT produces every second.

Under the screen there is an "AUTO" button that enables and disables the CCGT's automatic throttling mode. When it is on, the CCGT will only produce as much energy as the power grid needs, thus saving fuel and energy that would've been lost otherwise.

Finally, the CCGT can also optionally take in water that it can boil into dense steam, increasing the energy production.

Its most important use is for burning petroleum gas, and especially reformate gas. This makes the CCGT the most powerful generator that uses combustible fuels.


the CCGT is a very loud machine, with a sound similar to a jet turbine. Use of mufflers is highly recommended.