Catalytic Reformer

Not to be confused with the Catalytic Cracking Tower.
The catalytic reformer is an optional, late-game petroleum processing machine. It converts certain petroleum products into more valuable ones.
It is made with the assembly machine:

It uses a versatile integrated circuit, which means that a vacuum refinery is required in order to craft it.
The reformer takes in energy in order to reform certain petroleum products into better ones that can be made with the vacuum refinery.
However, a catalytic converter is also required in order to reform. It is made in the crafting table:

Arsenic cannot be used to make it, only bismuth.
When in operation, the reformer consumes 400 kHE/s and 2000 mB/s of input fluid.
One characteristic of the reformer recipes id that they have a common liquid hydrogen byproduct at varying quantities. This means that it can be used in conjunction with the hydrotreater.
The reformer has many recipes, with the default one being with naphtha. where: