Bedrock Ore Processor

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki
The Ore Processor

The Bedrock Ore Processor (sometimes referred to as the 'ore slopper') is the first step in processing bedrock ore as of 1.0.27_X5012. It refines raw bedrock ore into 6 different types of ore.


It is crafted in the assembly machine using the recipe below.

Analog Circuit Board
Bedrock Ore Processor


The Ore Processor accepts raw bedrock ore through any of its fluid ports. it requires water and power to function. It converts the raw bedrock ore into varying amounts of light metal bedrock ore, heavy metal bedrock ore, rare earth bedrock ore, actinide bedrock ore, non metal bedrock ore, and crystalline bedrock one. The resulting bedrock ore can be centrifuged into usable resources or processed further. Ore Slop is generated as a byproduct which can be fed into an electrolysis machine which outputs mercury, niter, limestone dust, and sulfur.