Bedrock Ore

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

Bedrock ores are a new type of special ore added in 1.0.27X3991. This was later further improved upon in a rework that streamlined processing in 1.0.27X5012

They appear in the bedrock layer, directly under a depth ore vein and are capable of providing infinite resources, amount depending on how you process the raw bedrock. A configuration option is available in hbm.cfg to switch between generating the legacy individual bedrock ores or the new raw bedrock ore.


The easiest way to find a vein is to use a survey scanner (hand-held item). It will show the type of ore directly under the player in a small radius. It can also be found using a satellite with the depth-resource scanning module (neutrino lens). Note that the satellite will only show where the bedrock ore is located, not the type. Most bedrock ore will be raw, which contains many types of ore that can be separated and processed into fragments. A bedrock ore density scanner can reveal the relative densities of ores contained within the raw bedrock.

Crafting the survey scanner and bedrock ore density scanner can both be done in a crafting table:

Vacuum Tube
Vacuum Tube
Vacuum Tube
Control Unit Casing
Gold Plate
Gold Plate
Gold Plate
Bedrock Ore Density Scanner
Steel Plate
Gold Wire
Steel Plate
Gold Ingot
Polymer BarBakelite Bar
Military Grade Circuit Board
Polymer BarBakelite Bar
Survey Scanner

Bedrock ore can also be located with the much more expensive neutrino lens.

Raw Bedrock Ore


Bedrock ores cannot be obtained by hand nor explosives, but need a large mining drill to be extracted. The bedrock ore itself will be located under depth rock, requiring mining charges to expose them for drilling. Once exposed and the drill is operating on the bedrock, it'll take around 5 minutes (assuming no speed upgrades and a steel drill bit) to extract one raw bedrock ore.


Bedrock ore processing at a glance may appear quite confusing, but the complexity is far more manageable than it may first appear once you start noticing patterns in processing. Importantly, all types of ore share the exact same extraction processes, meaning you can send all different ore types through the same machines to get your material outputs, saving on duplicating complex and expensive setups.

See the processing diagram at the end of this section if you wish for a visual representation of the step descriptions below.


The first step to processing raw bedrock ore straight out of the ground is to run it through a bedrock ore processor (also known as the "ore slopper"). This will split the raw ore into general types, with amounts depending on the location the ore was extracted and any effectiveness upgrades. These types are:

  • Light Metal - common metals including iron/copper
  • Heavy Metal - heavier metals including tungsten/lead
  • Rare Earth - rare earth metals including cobalt/boron
  • Actinide - radioactive heavy metals including uranium/thorium
  • Non-Metal - non-metallic ores including coal/sulfur
  • Crystalline - crystals including redstone/cinnabar


All ores must be processed in a centrifuge in order to extract products from them. The first stage of centrifuging will produce a second stage of ore which can either be centrifuged again to immediately get primary products and finish processing, or can be washed with solvents to acquire useful byproducts.


Ores can be washed to increase the number of primary products and even add useful additional byproducts. Washing is done in ore acidizers with different fluids.

Ores straight out of the ore processor (before initial centrifuging) can be washed with water to immediately duplicate all products, making it a very desirable first step.

After the first centrifuging stage, ores can be washed with various fluids to increase primary products or add byproducts, these include:

Note that processing with higher tier solvents will produce lower tier products as well, meaning processing with HPS will provide all available byproducts. Ores processed with lower tier solvents can be processed again with higher tiers to further increase yields, doubling outputs each time!


Most ore processing stages can be passed through a combination oven or a pyrolysis oven to produce vitriol. The ore itself will not be affected by this process - yielding the same outputs whether or not the ore is roasted - so this can be done to add bonus byproducts (from processing the vitriol) effectively for free.


Some steps will produce crumbs which can be further processed into more primary outputs in an arc furnace or electrolyzer, or combined into a full stack of 64 and washed with nitric acid to produce more unprocessed ore, which can be passed back into the system to yield even more ores.


All ores at any stage can be shredded to produce gravel.

Processing Diagram

Click to enlarge

Individual Bedrock Ores (Legacy)


The individual ores are extracted in the same way as the raw bedrock ore, using a large mining drill.

Every type of bedrock ores are categorized in different tier, each one needing a different drillbit tier and/or different type of acid.

Once the needed material is supplied and the drill reaches bedrock, it will start mining that ore infinitely, which is especially advantageous for rare ores.


Tier Ore Minimum Drillbit Acid
Tier 1 Coltan Steel -
Tier 2 Asbestos High-Speed Steel -
Niobium Hydrogen Peroxide (500mb)
Niter Hydrogen Peroxide (500mb)
Titanium Sulfuric Acid (500mb)
Tungsten Hydrogen Peroxide (500mb)
Rare Earth Ore Hydrogen Peroxide (500mb)
Tier 3 Borax Desh Sulfuric Acid (500mb)
Chlorocalcite Sulfuric Acid (500mb)
Neodymium Hydrogen Peroxide (500mb)
Tier 4 Uranium Technetium Steel Sulfuric Acid (500mb)
Thorium Sulfuric Acid (500mb)

There are also bedrock ores that are only in the nether:

Tier Ore Minimum Drillbit Acid
Tier 1 Nether Quartz Steel -
Glowstone Dust
Red Phosphorus


Most of the bedrock ores give their bedrock form, excluding niter, coltan, coal, redstone, and rare earth ore, which will give mined form.

There are in total 10 states of bedrock ore: Bedrock Ore (the raw form), Centrifuged, Cleaned, Separated, Purified, Nitrated, Nitrocrystalline, Deep Cleaned, Seared and Enriched. Each stage will unlock new stages, Enriched stage can be done in any other stages and is required for final process, which will give the actual usable material. Nitrated, Deep Cleaned and Seared gives crystalline fragments after processing them.

On the flowchart below, you can see routes for bedrock ore (please note that Enriched stage can be done at any time, and is the reason why It's out of the diagram):

Useful byproducts

Highly processed bedrock ores eventually produce crystals, some of these crystals are of rare elements that are usually quite difficult to produce, such as bismuth. Each crystal is equivalent to a nugget of the ore, combining 9 of them in a crafting table will produce a powder. Note that the higher tiers of processing are gated in such a way that bedrock ores will not allow you to skip progression.

Crystal Combined powder From nitrated From deep cleaned From seared
Crystalline Aluminium Fragment Aluminium Powder Titanium


Crystalline Bismuth Fragment Bismuth Powder Gold



Crystalline Calcium Fragment Calcium Powder Borax


Crystalline Copper Fragment Copper Powder Gold
Crystalline Iron Fragment Iron Powder Niobium Niobium


Crystalline Lead Fragment Lead Powder Gold



Crystalline Lithium Fragment Lithium Powder Borax



Crystalline Polonium Fragment Polonium-210 Billet Uranium
Crystalline Radium Fragment Radium-226 Powder Uranium
Crystalline Silicon Fragment Quartz Powder Asbestos









Crystalline Sulfur Fragment Sulfur Copper


Copper Copper
Crystalline Technetium Fragment Technetium-99 Billet Thorium
Crystalline Titanium Fragment Titanium Powder Iron Iron
Crystalline Uranium Fragment Uranium Powder Thorium


  • You can modify bedrock ores in creative (both placed and generated).
    • Right clicking with an item will set the ore to be extracted to that item. You can even produce wacky ores like mini-nuke ore.
    • Right clicking with a fluid container will set the required liquid to the volume. You can use a pipette for more specific values.
    • Right clicking with a drill bit will set the tier required for extraction to that drill bit.
  • Bedrock ore with no specified ore inside is a visual bug, if you use Survey Scanner near it, it'll give you info on what the block contains.
