
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

Main Information
Radioactivity9.5 RAD/s
Gameplay Information
AcquisitionDecay product
DifficultyVery Hard

Americium-242m (specifically americium-242m1) is a rare radioisotope used in production of americium fuels for reactors. It is produced only by the decay of highly enriched plutonium-241 fuel in RBMK nuclear reactors.


Can be produced by processing hot short lived plutonium-241 waste in a SILEX chamber or by processing reactor grade americium in the same manner, but crafting reactor grade americium requires Am-242 in the first place which renders this process only useful for uncrafting existing materials.


  • Reactor grade americium billets for use in fuel or ZFB rods.
  • Highly reactive RBMK and PWR fuels.


  • Am-242m1 is a metastable isomer that has a longer half-life (~141 years) than its normal state Am-242, (of 16.02 hours), which is extremely rare.
    • It is called "Am-242" in-game, but this is just an old typo.
    • Am-242m2 is also possible, but it is highly unstable with a half-life of only about 14 milliseconds.


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