
From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

Main Information
Radioactivity8.5 RAD/s
Gameplay Information
AcquisitionDecay product

Americium-241 is a rare radioisotope which is useful for some later game power generation devices such as recharging batteries and also serves as a powerful nuclear fuel. Can only be produced by the decay of plutonium-241 in RBMK nuclear reactors.


Can be produced by processing short-lived plutonium-241 waste in a SILEX chamber with 25% of operations yielding one nugget, meaning that one piece of plutonium-241 waste will on average yield 2¼ nuggets of it.


  • Crafting fuel for low and medium enriched Americium RBMK fuel rods as well as a highly enriched Americium RBMK fuel rod which splits with fast neutrons, rendering moderation unnecessary.
  • Americium-241 pellet which will provide 20 thermal power to any applicable machine for 3,384,000,000 ticks if RTG decay is enabled.
    • This is approximately equal to 5.5 IRL years given its stated in-game lifespan of 705 years, meaning that it will make 67,680,000,000 power in total over that time.
    • Pellets decay into neptunium.


  • Am-241 is used in most ionization smoke detector designs.


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